I guess now most of us will attempt the part time job which really stress our legs and mouth...
All of a sudden, we become the most talented speaker on earth when our bosses stress us to hit the target sales of the day.
We can even predict so accurately the next move of the customer.
We hate them when they try our product and show their disapproval face expressions...feel like smacking their face..
Especially those who tried our product so many times and complimented the product and just walk away with an evil smile.....
All and all, standing and walking is what we contribute most when we do sales....
Boring and tiring.....
A good pair of Adidas or Nike will come in handy for our pathetic legs....
That was just part of life. The fun part was having different friends from the same field to joke with and learn different stories from different people.
Every people has their own stories to tell..These are the things that make them who they are today.
Some are inspiring while some are just heartbreaking.
Some are decent while some are just provoking.
THOSE are just tit bits of life....More and more are waiting for everyone to discover....
second night in gita bayu.
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